The Pomeranian is an, animated companion with an extroverted personality. This compact little dog is an active toy breed with an alert character and fox-like expression. Today, the Pomeranian is a popular companion dog and competitive show dog. They can come in all colors, patterns, and variations although orange and red are the most popular. These tiny dogs are extremely loyal to their owners, making them great watchdogs, playmates, and cuddly companions. Their puffy, “pom-pom” coat makes them appear larger than the 3 to 7 pounds they normally weigh, and their foxlike face exudes confidence.
Pomeranians are very intelligent dogs that love to please. Because of their outgoing temperaments, they can be very good family dogs with the right training. Due to their small size they don't require much exercise, but are an energetic breed that needs attention from their people frequently. They possess a thick double coat, which needs to be brushed on a regular basis.
Source: AKC
Consider adopting your "forever friend" from an animal shelter. You will find many pure breeds in shelters. That is where we found our little man.
Source: AKC
Consider adopting your "forever friend" from an animal shelter. You will find many pure breeds in shelters. That is where we found our little man.